When he Marvel Cinematic Universe communicated its intention to incorporate dead Pool with his third solo film, all the alarms went off. How was it possible for a franchise as “white” as this to take into account a character as rude and violent as the one he plays? Ryan Reynolds? Well, little by little the saga could become more mature and adult, because Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 will include a major new feature never seen before.

“Fuck”, the word that will make its Marvel debut with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3

In Spain it is very common to listen to films in which the word “Shit” (that’s to say, “Shit“). However, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe its use has only been mentioned, but never listed as such. For example, you probably remember Peter Quill swear when the collector’s lair explodes in guardians of the galaxy. It also happened with the trilogy of Spider Man or with Avengers: Infinity War.

Afterwards, How is it possible we know that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is going to incorporate the word “fuck” (or “fuck”) into the footage? First, because the first world. And second, because his James Gunn told us in Twitter:

  • “That said, it was not planned: I told Chris to add it to the set and it just made the moment more fun, so we kept it in the edit.“.

Maybe james gunn He said, of lost at the river. Partly because he won’t make any more films for the Marvel Cinematic Universe now that he’s off to build a saga from scratch. And partly because he has already confirmed that Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 it would be his last job for Marvel. But what you need to be clear is that the filmmaker played it and we will finally hear ‘fuck’ (or ‘fuck’) in a franchise film, without anything or anyone censoring it.

Yes, we will hear “fuck” in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3

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