The new cross between Fortnite and Star Wars is already available in-game to celebrate May 4th; day that is conformed as the international celebration of the saga of George Lucas (now carried by Disney). But I understand that there will be a question running through the minds of many of you: How much does it cost to get all cross packs? Should I sell one of my two kidneys?

Well, those are the questions I want to answer throughout this article: I’m going to show you the calculations I made to see how many paVos each pack costs, the amount translated into real moneythe total sum and, also, at the end I will share a small trick to obtain all the elements of the collaboration cheaper. Let’s bother

The Anakin Skywalker Pack

  • It’s packed it costs a total of 2,100 paVos
  • Understand Anakin Skywalker’s skin, a hiking accessory and a pickaxe
  • The amount of money it’s about 17€

Padme Amidala Pack

  • This pack costs a total of 2,100 paVo
  • Understand Padmé’s skin, a hiking accessory, a hang glider and a pickaxe
  • The amount of money it’s about 17€

The Stormtrooper Pack

  • This pack costs a total of 800 paVo
  • Understand stormtrooper skins
  • The total amount of money it’s about 8€

The Clone Wrap Pack

  • This pack costs a total of 400 paVo
  • Includes four different weapon wraps
  • Total quantity money is about 4 €

How much does it cost to buy all the packs?

  • Anakin’s pack: 17€
  • Pack of Padme: 17€
  • Pack of Stormtroopers: 8€
  • Packaging pack: 4 €
  • Total: 46€
  • His thing is that you buy a pack of 5,000 paVos (costs €31.99) and another of 1,000 paVos (costs €7.99)
  • In the following link I leave you with a tip in which I show you how you can buy cheaper V-Bucks if you play Battle Royale on PS4 and PS5

What do you think of this crossover between Fortnite and Star Wars so far? I read you in the comments.

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