Start playing easily and quickly the card game that is all the rage: Digimon Card Game

A few days ago I made a guide on how to start playing Pokemon TCG. Well, today I managed to trick the thinking minds of Areajugones into being able to tell you about my favorite card game right now: Digimon Card Game.

Many years ago there was already a Digimon TCG game very similar to Pokémon. But this one is different, I’ll show you the one of the moment: Digimon Card Game released in 2020.

It’s a introduction: Simple rules and mallets for swinging. At the end of the article, I leave you an English subreddit and a community discord channel where everyone is ready to help you learn, answer questions and improve.

In this guide you will see many terms in English since the game is only in this languagealthough it has a very simple vocabulary and can be played as long as you know a minimum of English.

How to Play Digimon Card Game

The first thing you need to know in Digimon is that it is a game that mixes the mechanics of different TCGs and crafts them in its own unique style.. So it’s possible that if you play other TCGs, there are things that feel familiar to you but don’t feel the same way.

Types of letters

The first type of map are the Digimon. The picture explains everything but I’ll tell you quickly:

  • Game cost is the cost of playing the card from the hand.
  • He red circle (in this case) is the digivolution cost and requirement.
    • He circle color it is the color of the Digimon on which it can digivolve.
    • He lvl. is the level of the Digimon it can digivolve to.
    • there may be a circle of different colors or two circles with one color each, whatever color appears in the circles.
    • By evolving you put the card on the digimon which digivolve leaving the text of Inherited effect (legacy effects). In this image, there is no text in this area.
    • Cards left under another Digimon are called Sources of Digievolution/ Evolution material.
  • DP: It’s him powerthere cannot be a Digimon without DP or with 0 DP, if this happens the card is deleted.
  • He the text above the name are effects that are only active when the Digimon is the top card from the evolution stack.
  • Lvl. next to the name is the level of the Digimon and it is taken into account for the evolutions.
  • Form/Attribute/Type that’s what we call “Features” and are taken into account for the effects of cards that interact with traits.
  • The background color of the legacy effect name and background is what shows the color of the Digimon.
  • legacy effects: This is the text that stays under a Digimon when it Digivolves, this effect can only be activated when this Digimon is not on top of everything on the stack.
digimon carta card game

It’s a digihuevo. by rule must be sleeved in a different colored sleeve than the Digimon or other cards. Has its own set of digi-eggs and they can’t go to the field since they don’t have PD. They can only exit after evolving to level 3 or higher.

digimon carta card game

letters from tamers these are effects that remain in the field and they are activated according to the requirements you put in your text. They also have color, in this case Yoshino is green.

digimon carta card game

Finally, we have the Option cards. These are used and discarded after doing the effect, unless they say otherwise. They can only be activated if there is a Digimon or Tamer in play of the same color (unless otherwise specified in the letter).

bridge rules

You have two mallets:

  • He Digimon game: Composed of 50 cards and can only have 4 cards with the same code. The code is the combination of letters and numbers to the right of the name. So you can have 12 Agumon if they are with different codes.
  • He Digi-Egg Deck: Only five cards maximum and limited to four copies of each egg.


campo digimon card game

In Bridge you place your the littleIn reproduction region there two holes: one for him pack of digi-eggs and another for when you open an egg. Garbage can is the garbage there safety stack Those are the lives: Lives are the first 5 cards of the game after preparing the game, it is explained later.

structure of change

combat readiness:

  • To mix together both decks and place them in their respective areas.
  • Choose who starts.
  • shoot 5 cards.
    • If you love your hand keep it up.
    • If you don’t like your hand, you can shuffle it into your deck and draw 5. This can only be done once.
  • after that, place the top five cards of your deck in the safe zone. They will be your lives.

Shift length

digimon memoria card game

Although turns have phases, the round is only over when you run out of energy or pass the round.

  • Everything has a memory costeach time the memory is used, the counter is moved.
  • If the counter passes to the opposing side, the round ends.
  • if he stays in 0sit’s your turn again.
    • You can switch to the rival side and recover energy with effects for keep your turn.
  • If you pass the round, the rival will start with 3 memories.

First round:

  • No dresses map.
  • You start at 0 memory so that nothing you spend ends your turn.

rest of shifts:

  • stage of to sort out.
  • stage of robot of letter.
  • stage of egg:
    • If you don’t have an egg, you can open it.
    • If you have it and it is evolved, you can remove it.
    • You cannot get an egg in the tower that opens. Also, don’t open an egg if you’ve already brought one into the battle area.
    • After this phase, you cannot remove the eggs or open thembut if evolve the Digimon in the egg area.
    • Digimon in this area cannot be attacked if affected by effects. They also do not apply their effects to the rest of the terrain or activate their digivolve effects.
  • main phase: Here all is finished anything you want for as long as you can remember.
    • Offensive: Digimons are stunned, they cannot attack the turn they enter, unless they have left the egg zone.
      • Lives are attacked by default, if there are Digimon blocking, they can move into the middle of the attack. Only tapped Digimon can be targeted.
      • When declaring an attack, a Digimon is turned unless otherwise stated.
    • Digivolve: Each time this is done, a card is drawn and the corresponding effects are activated. If it digivolves into the egg zone if it is drawn but no effect is activated.
    • To use Choice.
    • Play tamers.
  • Final phase: When the memory is exhausted or the turn is over. Triggers end of turn effects.

ways to win:

  • Remove the opponent’s five security stacks and perform a direct attack.
    • Each time a direct attack is declared the top card of the life stack is revealed.
      • If is a Digimon: It’s done fight (unless it has an effect called security). The Digimon Security Pile will always go in the trash whether you win or lose the match. If the attacking Digimon has less DP, it is removed.
      • if it is a Option/Tamer or Digimon with security in your text: The security effect is activated.
    • When there are no more lives, the final blow is executed which ends the fight.
  • Opponent is out of deck: You can only lose this way if it is your draw phase and you have no cards.. If you go to draw by evolution but you don’t have any cards, you don’t lose the game.

Key words

These are many words with effects you will find. This list is not exhaustive, these are the most common so that you can learn them quickly and play right away:

  • Blocker: This Digimon, if untapped, can lean into place in the middle of an attack.
  • Security Attack +X: When this Digimon declares an attack, it erases the number of cards it puts in the X. This is done combat by combat and if the Digimon loses a combat it does not continue to attack lives.
  • Security attack -X: Suppress opponent’s attacks. If you have 0 or negative, you can declare the attack but it will do nothing. He will activate an effect if he has it.
  • Recovery +X: Take the top card of your deck and place it in your lives.
  • Piercing: If you attack and win an enemy Digimon, you also attack rival lives.
  • Interference: This Digimon cannot die while fighting Digimon from the safety stack.
  • To restart: The Digimon untap during the opponent’s untap phase.
  • Rush: The Digimon can attack next turn.

immediate effects
These are keywords that are activated when a requirement is met:

  • Read: Activates when reading the card.
  • When digivolving: Activates when digivolving, does not work in the egg area.
  • During the attack: Activates when the attack is declared, before the damage is inflicted.
  • End of attack: Activates after doing the fight.
  • On deletion: When a Digimon goes in the trash.
  • Your turn/Your opponent’s turn: You can activate it at any time during this turn.
  • Security: Effect that only activates if the card is discarded from the life pool.
  • Major: Activable effect that can be activated at any time during your turn.
  • Start/End of Your Turn/Main Phase: Activates just at this time.
  • Once per turn: This ability can only be activated once per turn.

Digimon Mazos Card Game

There are countless decks. The bone starter decks are very goodI leave you some that you can buy in Spain: Gaia Red, Giga Green or Ultraforce Veedramon these are the simplest. There is an advanced deck called Belzemon what andit’s more complicated but it’s already built. still there I leave you three simple decks that I really like (they’re a bit tricky since the starters are already pretty good to start with):

mazo digimon card game

A very simple board who at the start of the game was one of the most dominant. He doesn’t have a lot of science. It has very simple tools to control the rivals and what interests you most is to evolve and attack when you have a strong Digimon.

mazo digimon card game

this bridge It already has more effects and things to consider. A step above to enter the most complex decks.

mazo digimon card game

i love this deck. It is moderately simple to play but it is complex to win with. It forces you to have a set game plan and know what you want to doplay with effects and combos to get the best possible table and win as quickly as possible.

Nothing more to tell you, friend. Except the last deck which is personal taste, the rest They serve you to start and I hope you enjoy Digimon card game. We read each other!

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