“Detective Conan“is one of the most iconic franchises in all of anime history, with over two decades of history behind it. During that time, the franchise has also released a huge number of different films, a total of 26 today. Considering this data, it is particularly impressive that it was revealed that “Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine“, IP’s latest feature film, is also the one that directed the best premiere in the brand’s history.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine becomes an automatic hit when released in Japan
So I leave you with everything the details that ANN has collected on the film’s spectacular debut in Japan:
- In its first 3 days, Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine sold a total of 2.17 million tickets in Japan for a gross amount of 21.32 million euros. This data is the best in franchise history.
- If we compare the data with Detective Conan: The Halloween Bride, which was the 25th film in the franchise (and the one before Black Iron Submarine), we see that the numbers are 64% higher.. It’s highly likely that the presence of Ai Haibara and the organization of the Men in Black has sparked a lot more fans’ interest in the feature film.
- If we only compare the first day of release between the two feature films, we see that Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine was also 63% higher. at the 25th film of the IP. This first day (April 14), he sold 580,000 tickets and collected 5.79 million euros.
- These first data pushed the company THIS to search Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine becomes the first film in the franchise to gross 10 billion yen. To date, the data is 3.14 billion.
For those who have forgotten, I will remember that In Spain we already have a release date for the movie “Black Iron Submarine”. The new feature film “Detective Conan” will be released in our theaters on July 28, 2023, thanks to the distributor Alfa Pictures. At this time, it has not been reported if the premiere will have some type of voice acting.