2023 bonds still valid in Peru. (The Peruvian / Composition)

In 2022 and 2023, the Peruvian State allocated several economic subsidies with the aim of reducing the economic affectation of various sectors of the population, for various reasons, such as environmental, socio-political, among others.

Several of them are no longer valid; however, others do. See everyone’s list the obligations who are available to make the respective payment and find out how you know if you are a beneficiary or not.

There is more than seven bonds that the Peruvian State offers to its citizens; however, they all have characteristics and requirements that interested parties must meet. The current bonuses are as follows:

1. Deposit for rain victims or Rental accommodation deposit for emergencies (BAE)

It is last bonus issued by the government and came as a result of heavy rains in several regions, which caused landslides, overflowing rivers and floods, resulting in the loss of homes for thousands of families.

Bonus 500 soles for the victims of the rain: step by step to access the economic benefit.  (Composition)
Bonus 500 soles for the victims of the rain: step by step to access the economic benefit. (Composition)

This is an economic aid of S/ 500.00 soles per month for two years, managed by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) and the Mivivienda Fund (FMV).

Procedure to access Bono BAEMore: People affected by the rains must be registered in the register that the municipality will provide. The house must be declared uninhabitable, then the authorities will identify the property in person, to finally grant the subsidy to rent a house in a safe area.

2. Food premium

This is the next bond to expire. The Peruvian government has announced that it will provide this grant until April 30 of this year. The amount is S/270.00 for low income people who are in the household targeting system (Sisfoh).

Food Bonus 2023. (El Peruano)
Food Bonus 2023. (El Peruano)

3. Own roof bonus or family housing bonus (BFH)

It’s a bonus awarded by the State to Peruvian families free of charge as a reward for their efforts. To get this benefit, the monthly income must not exceed the value of S/3,715 if you want to buy a house. If the interested party wishes to build or improve his house, the monthly income must not exceed S/ 2.706.

What is the maximum amount of the Techo Propio or BFH premium?

– Bonus for buying a house: S/ 43,312.50

– Bonus for building a house: S/29,700.

– Bonus for upgrading a house: S/11,385

BFH is part of the Techo Propio program.
BFH is part of the Techo Propio program.

4. Agrarian Bonus or FertiAbono

Due to weather conditions, the transport of soil fertilizer at different locations could not be performed at the time. This is the reason why the economic grant was created Ferti Abonowhich helps to maintain the country’s food forecasts.

The amount of the subsidy is based on the total number of hectares cultivated, such as:

– From 0 to 0.5 ha: S/ 389.00

– From 0.51 to 10 ha: maximum bonus up to S/ 7,447.00

GIVEN: Beneficiaries can collect the Ferti Abono until June 30 of this year. To do so, they must be registered in the register of agricultural producers.

The Fertiabono will only help to pay for three bags and the rest will be borne by the producers.  (Andean)
The Fertiabono will only help to pay for three bags and the rest will be borne by the producers. (Andean)

5. Artisanal Fisherman’s Bounty

Be part of the plan ‘Avec Punche Productivo’ in favor of artisanal fishermen so that the economic reactivation of fishing activities can be achieved.

The measure was approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 0091-2023-Produce.


6. Drought Link

Throughout 2022, various farmers have reported the lack of rain in different regions, which has affected the cultivation and subsequent harvesting of food products.

The beneficiaries are agricultural producers who meet the following characteristics:

– Having up to four hectares more than 50% affected due to severe drought. In this case, only S/800.00 will be granted for each damaged hectare, the maximum amount being S/3,200.00.

– Alpaca breeders, who have a number of breeders between 1 and 12 heads. They will be granted one time S/266.00 per head up to a maximum of S/3,192.00.

GIVEN: They must not have received the FertiAbono and must not work in the public sector. The last collection date was March 30 of this year.


7. Income bonus

It is a bonus granted to all promoters of culture in the country. Remember that this area was one of the most affected by the pandemic. To be a beneficiary, they must have a registration issued until December 31, 2022. Another essential requirement is not to exceed two Minimum Vital Remuneration (RMV) which is equivalent to S / 2050.00

Those who will receive the bono were contacted by SMS or e-mails sent to the registered address. The collection period is until June 30 of this year.

Thousands of artists across the country will benefit from this bonus.
Thousands of artists across the country will benefit from this bonus.

8. Teacher Bonuses

The premium for teachers is S/950.00 and also includes assistants in the Lima region. According to what was mentioned by the Minister of Education, Oscar Becerra, the payment was made between the month of March and the first week of April. However, this payment has not been made so far, which is why several teachers have shown their dissatisfaction with the holder of the portfolio.

According to Sutep representatives and comments made on social networks, the first beneficiaries would be the appointed teachers, that is to say those who are part of the payroll and benefit from all the advantages offered by the State as company, while those who are only hired (temporary) would benefit much later.

According to a statement published through its social networks, the Ministry of Education has confirmed that the payment will be made in the first days of May. Payment will be made to the account registered by each teacher and assistant.


9. Police Bounty

He police bonus 2023 it is one of the highest granted by the current government, equivalent to up to four times the salary of each member of the Peruvian National Police (PNP). This is given in recognition of the work done during the state of emergency. It was Prime Minister Alberto Otárola who announced the measure, specifying that it will be done through an additional credit.

How much do police officers in Peru earn? Police salaries range from S/1,025.00 and S/8,000.00, depending on rank.

The bounty It would have already been delivered in February, the date which had been fixed to grant the service.

The government will grant a special bonus to police officers in 2023 in Peru.  The amount is equivalent to four times your salary.  (Andean / Composition)
The government will grant a special bonus to police officers in 2023 in Peru. The amount is equivalent to four times your salary. (Andean / Composition)

To find out if you have a bond granted by the government, you must access official links and enter the requested information. The system will tell you whether or not you have viewed the economic benefit.

He food voucher link is: https://consultas.bonoalimentario.gob.pe/#/

He link for the Techo Propio bonus is the next:


Link to know if I have the FertiAbono is the next:


Artisanal fisherman bonus link


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