Christina Porta visited her Mediaset colleagues’ Deluxe last night to show how her face has changed after undergoing two more surgeries. The Telecinco journalist appeared with a red hat with long fringes to maintain the mystery for a few minutes, while telling what had consisted of her recent aesthetic operations.

“Two weeks ago I had eye surgery because I couldn’t see well and couldn’t take contact lenses very well…and then I had my nose touched up – which is the third operation – because they had left it I had a lot of fibrosis, I was breathing badly… And I glued the ‘end’ of my ears back”, he listed.

Given the description, Jorge Javier told her that if it was regular it might look like “a rabbit”, to which she replied no, that consider it something “very subtle” and that when they saw it, they were sincere in giving their opinion on what they think of the final result.

“We see the nose”, “It’s very well done”, they told him once he removed the accessory from his head. “I had a darling he left me and if I was upside down for a long time, for example, for a massage, I couldn’t breathe. The thing with the ears, the truth, was something that only I saw,” she said pleased with her “new little face” — which he highlighted in her Instagram post.

Last year, for her 32nd birthday, the collaborator of Sálvame returned to the clinic to get another touch-up. “Today I have a birthday, can you turn the numbers so that it looks like I’m 23?” Asked the specialist. “We’ll leave him at 22,” she replied that day in a year of rediscovering herself.

Postoperative complications and expert opinions

However, to achieve the desired face, not everything was rosy. She says she was admitted “the second night because I couldn’t breathe and was in terrible pain. I wore tampons for two days.”

The fact that she underwent another cosmetic touch-up caused some collaborators, with whom she has worked for a long time, to question her about her complexes, but she insisted that she had done it to “see myself better”. “I wasn’t bothered by my ears, I’m just a perfectionist. Although, for set, I never did a ponytail. For everyday, yes,” he said.

In any case, the program team asked the opinion of two experts in the field to give their point of view on the advisability for a person so young to have undergone so many cosmetic operations. One advised her to undergo psychotherapy because perhaps her desire to change her appearance is due to the fact that she does not feel sufficiently loved or valued by her close environment; while another added that so many surgeries can cause the opposite effect: looking older when looking to rejuvenate facial features.

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