It’s a very special year for Cristina Pedroche who showed off her pregnant belly giving the last chimes. Now she finds out what this new stage of her life is and she does it alongside the love of her life and the father of her future baby, Dabiz Munoz.

Although they are not a couple to use and they like to do things their own way, or so they say, the truth is that they end up falling into the customs of many and if February 14 is celebrated Valentine’s Daythey weren’t going to be less.

Surely more than one woke up today with a declaration of love from those who put a silly smile on your face, well, Dabiz Muñoz can’t complain.

Declaration of love

“Although we we are more than celebrating it every day Today I also wanted to tell you how much I love you around here. ,” Cristina wrote alongside a photo of herself with her husband on his last trip to Dubai, in a bikini and with an angle that shows how her belly is growing.

“Thank you for giving me reasons to smile every day, for being the hand that supports me and pushes me when I doubt. Thank you for being the best adventure partner in the world.. “, he dedicated to the chef who cannot have someone who loves him more by his side.

“You know that I’m not one to think about the past or the future, that I like to live in the present. But it’s that with you I look back and I love it, I feel the day to day and I fall in love and I think about the future and it excites me. You are my past, present and future. i love you @dabizdiverxo“, he concluded by saying.

You can say higher, but not clearer. The day when love is everywhere and hearts flood us with every step we take, Cristina fell into the networks of declarations of love.

Long Live Love!

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