What you should know
- In March, 32 states and Washington, DC are ending emergency relief from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program that has helped individuals and families cope with food insecurity during the pandemic.
- The average person should receive about $90 less in SNAP benefits each month.
- “It’s a huge starvation cliff facing families,” one expert said.
Food stamp recipients could be in shock when temporary pandemic enhancements to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program expire, resulting in the average person receiving about $90 less in benefits per month.
“It’s a huge starvation cliff facing families,” said Poonam Gupta, a research associate at the Urban Institute’s Center for Income and Profit Policy.
Through March, 32 states and Washington, DC and the Virgin Islands will end emergency grants that were established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help individuals and families cope with food insecurity. , according to the Center for Budgetary and Political Priorities.
Congress reversed the SNAP emergency increases with the government’s December funding bill. The broader federal public health emergency is scheduled to end on May 11.
SNAP emergency benefits have already ended in 18 states. For recipients in the remaining locations, the February issue will be the last with additional amounts due to the pandemic.
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After the extra aid ends, all households in affected states will receive at least $95 a month less, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Some households will see a loss of $250 or more in benefits depending on their income.
“Unfortunately, this will leave many families across the country struggling to stretch their budget,” Gupta added.
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The change comes as inflation is still reflected in higher prices on grocery store shelves. The most recent Consumer Price Index data shows double-digit year-over-year percentage increases in the prices of eggs, butter and margarine, frozen vegetables, lettuce, cereals and baked goods.
Once emergency SNAP benefits are phased out, benefits will average about $6.10 per person per day, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
“It’s a very tight budget if you’re dealing with low-income families,” said Ellen Vollinger, director of SNAP at the Center for Food Research and Action.
Starting this month, tens of millions of people will see vast amounts of benefits missed out on than they otherwise would have expected, he noted.
“It’s a very hasty change,” Vollinger said. “It didn’t give customers much time to know it was happening.”
The Center for Food Research and Action is one of many organizations, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state agencies, working to spread the word about change to make sure people aren’t surprised by a shortfall in the checkout counter of the grocery store. , according to Vollinger.
Meanwhile, some states are considering or have enacted public funds to help replace lost federal benefits, either temporarily or permanently. Last year, New Jersey passed a minimum SNAP limit of $95 per household.
The burden now falls on states, cities and counties to do more, as the federal government has shifted the problem and the costs associated with it, Vollinger said.
He Food Research and Action Center advocated for congressional legislation to address the issue. This includes a bill, the Closing the Food Gap Act, that would increase the minimum SNAP benefit and remove some criteria limits. The proposal received the support of more than 100 House Democrats and some Senate Democrats in 2021 and 2022.
SNAP spending is expected to be part of the debate as lawmakers seek to pass a new farm bill.
However, pandemic-era benefit improvements are unlikely to be restored, Gupta said. In fact, some House lawmakers have called for SNAP spending cuts, Vollinger said.
Food bank prepares for increased demand
Urban Institute research shows that the policy has helped keep 4.2 million people above the poverty line. It has also helped to reduce poverty by 10% and child poverty by 14%. Poverty reduction has been greatest for blacks and Latinos.
As the extra benefits end, people will have to ask themselves if they can still afford to put the same amount of food on the table, Vollinger said.
Often this can mean that an adult misses a meal. At worst, it could mean a child skipping a meal, he said.
California residents will receive their last February emergency allowance in March, along with residents of a small group of other states, including Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada and Vermont.
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is bracing for a surge in demand as social benefits from the pandemic dwindle.
“We’re very concerned about this because it’s a big drop” in benefits from California’s SNAP, known as CalFresh, said Michael Flood, the food bank’s president and CEO. The food bank serves 800,000 county residents monthly with 600 partner agencies and food pantries.
The food bank has increased food purchases in recent weeks in anticipation of increased demand for food aid, Flood said.
However, it is unclear how many additional individuals and families may seek assistance. After the pandemic began in 2020, the food bank served 1 million county residents, Flood said.
“If the resources are there, we know we can grow and help,” Flood said. “But it’s not without challenges.”
What to know if you’re on SNAP
- You will continue to receive your regular benefits even after the pandemic improvements end, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said.
- If you have any questions about your benefits, contact your national social services agency.
- If you are looking for help, you can try dialing 2-1-1 to get in touch with agencies and community organizations.
- If your personal circumstances have changed (your income has recently decreased or certain eligible expenses have increased), you may qualify for a higher regular benefit after updating your information with your state’s social services agency, depending on the center.
This article It was originally published in English by Lori Konish for our sister network CNBC.com. For more on CNBC, head here.