The Chinese government has responded forcefully to the White House’s suspicions about the possible lack of transparency in the first results of the World Health Organization (WHO) report on the visit of its team to Wuhan, the origin of the pandemic – – in part due to alleged interference by China – in turn accusing the United States of undermining public confidence in an organization from which it temporarily withdrew by order of the previous Donald Trump administration.
“Now it turns out that the United States, as if none of this had happened, has started pointing out other countries that have faithfully supported both the work of the WHO, as well as the organization itself,” according to a protest statement from the Chinese Embassy. in Washington, picked up by the ‘South China Morning Post’.
China thus responds to the statement by the US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, in which he expressed concern about the way in which the WHO is distributing its first results of the investigation before reminding the organization that its credibility was at stake and that it should “meet the highest standard” of trust.
The adviser also asked China to refrain from manipulating the development of the research after two members of the team, including Australian infectious disease expert Dominic Dwyer and Danish scientist Thea Koelsen Fischer, acknowledged that they had had access to raw data. and individual data on the first cases of Covid-19.
In response, the Embassy has indicated that it should be the United States that should rise to this bar with “a serious, transparent and responsible attitude”, and that “assume its legitimate responsibility, support the work of the WHO with real actions and Please contribute properly to international cooperation on COVID-19. ”