With Flowers Batakis doing adventure tourism in Washington, because there she has to deal with people from the Treasury and with the head of the Monetary Fund, the red dollar today surprised everyone: it fell 20 pesos, in a desperate attempt to be called blue again.
It is the most transcendental political news of the last few months, although, of course, it is impossible to know with what color it will perceive itself tomorrow. There are at least five interpretations of this tremendous novelty.
1) If the dollar rises with Batakis in Buenos Aires and falls when she goes to Washington, it seems evident that the markets have more faith in what she can learn there than in the line that Kicillof lowers here. Or, sniff, they want her away.
2) After the frenetic meetings on Friday and Saturday in Olivos between Albertito, Flowers and Pesce (president of the residual Central Bank), the decision not to announce any measure was an excellent decision. That is what the country expects of them: that they do not make things worse. The deliberations had raised a logical concern, because every time they get together and every time they present a package or package of measures, everything becomes irremediably complicated. It doesn’t matter if they refrained from making announcements because they hadn’t thought of anything, or because Cristina hadn’t issued her nihil obstat, or because they actually got together in the presidential fifth for a session with an expert in depression, anxiety and forgetfulness.The important thing is that the people, gathered in neighborhood assemblies, lived through those hours with real anguish, until finally it was learned that there was nothing to fear: luckily, nothing had come out of the conclave.
3) On Saturday, Olivos was also the scene of another secret meeting between the President and the vice president, this time without Massita, who, upon learning that they had left him outside, was about to give a statement to inform him that he was going into hiding. The truth is that there were no or almost no leaks about what was discussed at that summit, so to find out something we will have to wait for Gaby Cerruti ‘s always illuminating weekly press conference at the Casa Rosada. Meanwhile, it is conceivable that the fact that Cristina was personally involved in the attempt to calm the foreign exchange market was received as a warning by speculators: if anyone knows the dynamics of foreign currency savers, it is her.
4) Another interpretation that ran today in the City of Buenos Aires is that the discovery of dollars in the dump of Las Parejas was, in some way, hopeful. Why not imagine that many more dumps hold treasures like that? Quick of reflections, the Central Bank would be about to have a new stocks: the stocks to the garbage. Now, to operate among the waste, a special authorization will be needed, and there will be limits: 100 kilos of waste per person. I thought they called it residual BCRA because it had run out of reserves; no, it was for this.
5) For some, what stopped the crazy rise of the network was the initiative, no less crazy, of the official senator Juliana Di Tulio, who proposed sending the police to the caves of the City. Guillermo Moreno already did it when he was Secretary of Commerce and on the desk in his office you could see a Virgin of Lujรกn and a 38-caliber revolver. Persuasion on the side of heaven or hell. The ingenious Juliana is a social psychologist: urgently, it is necessary to investigate if she passed all the subjects. Prima facie, if she wants to reassure the markets at gunpoint, it is because she won the title with the same arts as Fabiola Yaรฑez., first lady and first in the ranking of plagiarized Wikipedia pages in the thesis with which she received as a journalist at the University of Palermo. The UP has just forgiven her, because thanks to that thesis she met Alberto, and from that happy union the Olivos party was born.
Is it possible that Flowers will be kidnapped by the FBI in Washington and demanded as a ransom that the Government stop broadcasting?
If so, what a pity. Just now that she had given three shouts to the dollar.