Ana Guerra just released her new single: If you wanted me. It’s a pop song with which Ana shows once again that she has a sixth sense when it comes to writing lyrics. The canary, whom we met thanks to Operation Triumph 2017, has never ceased to amaze us in recent months.

The artist not only released a song, she also explored her television side. In fact, last March, she became the winner of The challenge, proving to be an all-terrain person and managing to beat his teammates. In addition, we have seen her as a presenter in Night Blanket from TVE, chatting with the contestants backstage.

But Ana Guerra does not stop. And now, the time has come to offer new music to your fans! To tell us new details about everything you have prepared, Ana went to LOS40 studios. With a smile, a great sense of humor and a desire to talk, Ana Guerra left us with great moments.

In regards to if you wanted me

“I wrote this song in 2019. What happens is that it had no musical coherence with what I was releasing at that time. It’s the only song I wrote that I kept like gold in fabric”, the artist confessed to us.

Ana tells us that she was excluded from La luz del Tuesday because she composed more than forty songs for this album. QHe wanted to give Si me quiereras the importance it deserves and, among the singles from his second studio album, it had no place. That’s why he decided to withdraw it now.

About your next project

We wanted to know if Ana Guerra was already thinking about a third studio album. And, although he didn’t confirm anything to us, he told us that he was composing: “I will have already written about twenty songs.

We wanted to know if Ana had ever thought of releasing any of these songs that were on the album she threw away just before releasing La Luz del Martes:

“We’re going to try to change the genre, but I tried and I thought not. He had new things he wanted to tell and in a different way. I’m not going to take the same dog and change his necklace. They remind me of a milestone and I want to reaffirm the decision I made. Of the courage it took me to make this decision”.

Will we see Ana Guerra on TV?

Ana is making a name for herself on television thanks to programs like Tu cara me suena or Cover Night, but would she dare to do a series?

“It’s true that I did castings for things that no one knows about. That in the end they didn’t come out. I would like to explore this world, but I should teach it”, confessed Ana.

Sober OT

Ana has a lot of experience on TV sets. After winning the Challenge, we wanted to know where it was worse: at an OT gala or during a challenge. “I had a worse time at an OT gala because in the end they judge you with what you want to dedicate.”

Also, with the return of OT from Prime Video, we wanted to know what advice you would give to someone who is going to be cast. And it was clear: “Let him sing a song that smells because the public has not been wrong. And in that moment, the public is the person who puts the sticker on you”.

To watch the full interview, hit play on the video above!

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