FLIC’s latest Vote Against DeSantis ads are part of the organization’s multi-pronged campaign against the governor and Republicans in the state, including GOTV to attract Latino voters in the state

An ad campaign against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis criticizes him for policies that encouraged family separation and the recent migrant flight stunt.

Florida Immigrant Coalition (FLIC) Votes released two ads expressing their disappointment in the Governor for โ€œusing immigrant children and families fleeing the communist Maduro regime as political pawns, lying, luring, and sending them to Martha’s Vineyard with false promises of work and housing.โ€

โ€œNone of this was true. It was another DeSantis political stunt that cost Florida taxpayers millions upon thousands of dollars. And it’s not over yet. DeSantis has promised to spend $12 million in taxpayer dollars to relocate immigrants from the state.”

โ€œIs that what Florida stands for: wasting taxpayer money to use children as political pawns?โ€ the clip concludes.

In the other video, Norah Lossada, a Venezuelan-American and Floridian, is seen denouncing the Republican governor for ordering the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) to stop temporary care for unaccompanied children who enter the country unaccompanied. their parents, ultimately delaying family reunification.

โ€œRegarding Governor DeSantis’ decision to support and keep children separated from their families once they arrive in this country. I think it’s a totally wrong decision,” says Lossada.

“I would not vote for DeSantis because he is not a person who represents the values โ€‹โ€‹of the state of Florida,” adds the woman.

FLIC’s latest Vote Against DeSantis ads are part of the organization’s multi-pronged campaign against the governor and Republicans in the state, including GOTV to attract Latino voters in the state.

Both ads reached voters in Central and South Florida on October 4.

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