Today is not the day I will debate whether a remake of the first The last of us it was necessary, since this debate was left aside when the game was announced and, later, when The Last of Us: Part One It already went on sale in September last year. However, it came exclusively to PS5 and they confirmed it would be coming to PC later, without revealing a specific release date for the aforementioned platform.
Well, as you can read in the post I just attached written by my partner Fon, actually The Last of Us: Part I arrived nothing more than regular on PC. Come on, there are a lot of complaints. And this is somewhat problematic, because there are many players who have been waiting for 10 years for the game to come to PC and he never did until this week.
Community reaction to The Last of Us: Part I on PC
Well, as can be seen in steam game reviews, The critics are mostly negative because of several things, all related to the performance of the title on PC, not because of its history, which has not changed and is still a real marvel.
- The vast majority of reviews of The Last of Us: Parte I for PC negative sounds
- They talk about the game having dismal performance even on the most powerful PCs and many crashing issues
- Besides, they even claim that at the maximum level of graphics, a lot of textures are broken and the game doesn’t look good
- “One day the world stole everything from Joel and today they stole $60 from me for a game that was less optimized than Cyberbug 2077 when it came out” secure a user
- I leave you other captures of opinion below:

And so with dozens of negative reviews. Many do not blame naughty dog, but to iron galaxy, who have been tasked with doing the port and have a bad reputation within the community. What do you think of all this?