PAX East 2023 final fantasy xiv The panel with director and producer Naoki Yoshida mentioned the upcoming graphics update to 7.0. One of the questions from fans was which “future project” he was most excited about. He cited the graphics work and explained how the team recently conducted a mid-term review. review of that
Here’s Yoshida’s full quote from PAX East 2023 on the FFX IV graphic update:
I think I would like to mention that our artists and engineers are working very hard to make this happen with our first graphics update. It’s something we really look forward to and are excited about.
And of course, we work hard on it, so before we went to PAX, we were doing this halfway. reviewed just before the Fan Fest. With the graphics update, we of course want to offer more beautiful graphics. But there are things we’re working on that are part of the update that aren’t just the immediate cosmetic aspects of it. We are really excited about what we can offer for this.
This could mean we’ll see more examples of what the update achieves at the Fan Festival. This will take place on July 28 and 29, 2023 in Las Vegas.
As a reminder, Square Enix mentioned the FFX IV graphics update for 7.0 in February 2022. This will involve things like higher resolution textures and improved shaders. It will also be the “first”.
final fantasy xiv is available on PS4, PS5 and PC.