Survival title Sons of the Forest pits players against cannibals, mutants, puzzles, and the elements themselves in an arduous quest for survival. As with many, if not most, survival titles, the most pressing concern players will turn off right away is food and water. So when your traps malfunction, you might find yourself scratching your head in bewilderment as you die of malnutrition. So why aren’t they working?

Related: Parent’s guide to Sons of the Forest: Is Sons of the Forest suitable for children?

Do cheats work in Sons of the Forest?

Currently, cheaters are bugged in Sons of the Forest, reasonable, based on their position in the early access program on Steam. This mainly means that fish traps will not work properly no matter how and where they are placed. According to the current understanding of the community, this cannot be circumvented by the gameplay in Sons of the Forest. Fish can still be caught by diving into bodies of water with fish and stabbing them with a spear.

There is good news, however: you don’t have to travel the world in search of food. Instead, raid the various caves and rooms hidden around the map. There’s more than enough food to find just by advancing the game’s plot, this hunt becomes an outdated methodology for survival in the title. The only time you’ll really run out of food is if you don’t progress through the various loot-laden shelters, such as trying to build a base or sledding too often.

Small animal traps currently work, but they tend to require sitting in an area or group of cells for a period of time. If you managed to eat from the food stores found in the shelters, just hit the small animals like squirrels and rabbits as you move between the shelters. Build a fire anywhere with two sticks and cook your stored raw meat whenever your hunger interferes with your energy bar.


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