Warning: this article may contain spoilers for HBO. The last of us episode nine.
HBO The last of us Sadly, the TV series is over, but not before introducing us to several memorable characters. While Joel and Ellie are undoubtedly the stars of this dystopian tale, many of the supporting characters featured throughout were equally important in building up the show’s seemingly hopeless world. However, there was another extremely important character that was only shown in the last episode called Anna. If you want to know exactly who she is, you can find more information below.

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Who is Ellie’s mother in The Last of Us?

ellie’s mother in The last of us is none other than the brave Anna whose last moments were shown at the start of episode nine. Before the Cordyceps brain infection started, Anna worked as a nurse and it was then that she also became good friends with Marlene, who eventually became the leader of the Fireflies. After the outbreak, she became pregnant with Ellie, after which she sadly passed away. However, before he did, Anna was able to give her switchblade to Marlene, who then gave it to Ellie, who still has it to this day.

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Who plays Anna in HBO’s The Last of Us?

and HBO The last of us Anna is played by Ashley Johnson, an American actress known for her television and film roles, in titles such as growing pains, avengers, there What women Want. However, Johnson is also known for playing Ellie in The Last of Us video game created by Naughty Dog.

How does Anna die in The Last of Us?

Anna died just a day after giving birth to Ellie, having been killed by Marlene from a runner’s bite during labor. While the cause of his death wasn’t exactly specified in-game, the HBO show does a much more in-depth job telling his story through the opening scenes of the final episode. This may also explain where Ellie’s immunity comes from, as she may have acquired it after her mother was bitten.


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