One of the side quests in Resident Evil 4 Remake asks you to hunt down viper snakes. In this guide on where to find snakes in Resident Evil 4 Remake, we will tell you where you can find all three snakes so you can complete the mission and get your reward.

You must kill the Vipers after receiving the quest. Killing the ante does not count towards the objective once you have it. You might have already killed one or two while exploring, simply because Resident Evil 4 Remake is a bit creepy and you never know what will turn into a disease-ridden monstrosity. So you just kill everything that moves, right?

Where to find Vipers in Resident Evil 4 Remake

You can find the first one in the main town, inside the church. It’s the most likely you’ve ever seen and killed before. There’s another one in the building south of town, watch the video above for the exact location. You have to be careful with this one, because you can destroy the box from outside the building with an explosive item, which will cause the snake to break free from the box and run away. The best place to breed snakes is fish farms. There are several snakes here. As you explore the area, keep an eye out for the surface of the water. You will often see ripples where a snake swims.

You can also find several on the bridges.


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