Fortnite’s throne room is hidden deep within the Citadel, so you’ll need to explore the lower level if you want to find it. While this majestic setting looks impressive, there’s actually a disappointing amount of loot to find here, so the main reason you’ll want to visit is to complete an entry in the Fortnite Geralt quests. This particular task involves having a little dance once you get to the right part of this towering castle, so here’s the info on how to get excited in the Citadel throne room in Fortnite once you get there. are.

Where is the Fortnite throne room?

Fortnite’s throne room is in The Citadel, which is the large castle building marked as a named location on the northwest side of the map. The throne room itself is on the ground floor, at the base of the central part of the building.

(Image credit: Epic Games)

As it sits at the base of the Citadel, the easiest way to access the throne room in Fortnite is to enter through the large door on the south side of the castle after the long bridge and stairs, then simply follow the hallway to find the throne. bedroom. Because the ceiling in this room has a large opening, it’s also possible to fall that way, although it’s too far to fall, so you’ll need to either slide down or have another way to break your fall to survive the landing.

You can also descend into the Fortnite Throne Room from the roof by following the stairs down from the north side of the roof, past one of the Fortnite Oathbound chests on the way down to the ground floor. You’ll know you’ve come to the right place when you enter a room from the side with four giant statues facing a stone circle on the floor. Be careful not to go through the small doors on the south side of the roof when you go there unless you want to fight the Fortnite boss aka Eternal Champion as they will attack you as soon as they see it. enter the large room over there.

How to Get Excited in the Citadel Throne Room in Fortnite

(Image credit: Epic Games)

Once you have entered the Fortnite Throne Room by following the instructions above, all you need to do is perform any move to complete the quest. You can do this by pressing the d-pad to perform your default/most recently used emote, or holding down the d-pad to bring up the emote wheel, where you can browse your collection and choose your moves favourites. to perform.

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