Fantastic beasts litter the fields and forests that populate the world of Hogwarts Legacy. The creatures you find can be scavenged and used to obtain important materials that will help you with your school work. One of the many animals found in the highlands surrounding Hogwarts is the Fwooper. This creature is a colorful bird that is often found near trees and is quite difficult to catch if you are not careful. This guide will show you where to find Fwoopers in Hogwarts Legacy.

Fwooper locations in Hogwarts Legacy

Fwoopers aren’t the least common creatures in Hogwarts Legacy. You are much more likely to find a Fwooper Den than a Unicorn Den and they are much easier to catch than other animals in the game. There are a decent number of Fwooper Dens in the game and some of them can even be found as soon as you can catch beasts and take care of them.

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Fwooper’s first lair is south of Hogwarts Castle, southwest of Keenbridge. This is the burrow that is next to the river that runs south of Hogwarts. The lair is located on the mountainside. We recommend using your broom to get to the area if you have it unlocked.

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The second hideout is on the west side of the map. You can find this hideout near Feldcroft, which is the area where you meet Sebastian later in the game when he goes to meet his sister. The lair is located near the fast travel point Rookwood Castle Floo Flame.

How to Catch Fwoopers in Hogwarts Legacy

Capture Fwooper of Hogwarts Legacy

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Related: Where to find Nifflers in Hogwarts Legacy

Fwoopers are much easier to catch than the other beasts you can find early in the game. Of course, you’ll always want to be on your toes when trying to catch one in case it escapes and you have need to continue it. We recommend going to the hideout with the Disillusion spell cast so they don’t spot you. Hit one of the Fwoopers with the Arrest Momentum spell to slow it down before using the nab-sack. This should allow you to easily capture the creature.


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