People won’t be able to start a new life in the next story of the seasons game until June 2023. However, XSEED has shared a bonus trailer before then to help people prepare. There’s a new Story of the Seasons: A Wonderful Life trailer, as well as a picture of the Mukumuku Yeti costume that people can get by pre-ordering or purchasing a copy at launch.

Mukumuku should be a familiar face to return to. Story of the Seasons: A Wonderful Life players, as the Yeti appeared in the GameCube and PS2 versions of the game. People can encounter the legendary creature while heading to Goddess Pond in winter. If someone buys the game before July 5, 2023, they get their avatar outfit. The promotional image shows him in both a male and female avatar.

As for Story of the Seasons: A Wonderful Life gameplay trailer, focuses on farm action in Forgotten Valley. We first see the town in the spring, with the player character tending to some crops. After that, the avatar can be seen tending to a cow. From there, the video shows some of the inhabitants and sprites that people will interact with.

At the 30th second, it shows how the game changes when the seasons change. From there, he analyzes what summer, autumn and winter are like in the city.

He Story of the Seasons: A Wonderful Life the release date for North America and Europe is June 27, 2023. It was released in Japan on January 26, 2023. It will come to Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC via Steam.

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