The following Season 2 of Dragon Ball: The Breakerswhich debuts this February 16, will introduce one of the franchise’s most iconic characters to the game as the Raider.

The release of Dragon Ball Z’s asymmetrical gameplay late last year was a stark contrast to the franchise’s typical lineup of high-powered action fighting games. Instead of giving players control of the main heroes, the game tasks a team of seven ordinary people to survive against powerful villains like Cell and Frieza.

Now, the latest update includes one of Dragon Ball’s most beloved characters. Although the game stands out from other Dragon Ball games, Dragon Ball: The Breakers has had very mixed reception since its release.

Fans have criticized the game’s small catalog, which doesn’t include many of the franchise’s most iconic characters. Matchmaking was also a major issue early in the game, with frequent connection errors and cross-platform issues.

But now, the catalog of the game will expand with the addition of multiple familiar faces, including the fearsome prince of saiyans, Vegeta. Dragon Ball: The Breakers has officially unveiled its plans for Season 2 with a trailer promoting the February 16 release date, showcasing the game’s new Raider as well as several new survivors.

Vegeta will join the game as a new villain for players to fight against, making various references to iconic scenes from the anime and also including his transformation into an ape. Survivors will receive a trio of new skins featuring fan-favorite characters like Milk and Yajirobe. Saibamen and Nappa also appear in the trailer, included as previous forms of Vegeta.

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