Sega there The creative assembly have finally announced the arrival of the long-awaited Chaos Dwarves expansion to Total War: Warhammer III. Chaos Dwarf Forgeas it is called, presents us with the story of three new characters dominated by hatred and the tireless search for Hashuta primordial being beyond time and space with whose blood they aspire to dominate the world.

The bone Chaos Dwarves they seem like an incredibly strong faction, as they not only have strong melee troops in shining armor, but also strange war machines, like the giant mechanical beast that appears at the end of the trailer and a legion of countless slaves to eliminate after their conquests.

In the Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs expansion, we will follow three of the Dwarven Demonsmith commanders: Astragoth Manodehierrothe High Priest of Hashut, Drazhoath the Ashenthere Zhatan the Black. Beside them, warlord Hobgoblin Fatty the traitornow recruited by the Chaos Dwarfs as an enforcer, will be a recruitable legendary hero.

Chaos Dwarfs DLC is coming April 13, 2023 and is the first of three major expansions that Total War: Warhammer III will receive this year. Take a look at the trailer below.

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