Blizzard has released a Diablo 4 endgame video, revealing that the developers have prepared plenty of activities for those who successfully complete the main story.

The release of Diablo 4 is fast approaching. In time, Blizzard has decided to present more information about the game in a new video, available below.

Endgame in Diablo 4 – essential information

Blizzard developers presented the activities that we can do after completing the main story of Diablo 4. Among them we will find:

  1. the so-called Capstone Dungeons, the completion of which allows you to unlock more world levels. The higher it is, the higher the level of difficulty. At the same time, each next step allows you to get better equipment;
  2. over 120 nightmarish dungeons, in which you have to face more dangerous opponents. In return, you will receive special rewards…;
  3. The card will also include fields of hatewhere players can compete against other people;
  4. on the Paragon system map, it will improve your skills.. Here, the developers have provided several starting points from which the path of our endgame progression can begin;
  5. Another mechanism that will allow you to improve your character is the power codex. It is based on the so-called skins that you can find after completing dungeons. With their help, you will improve your team’s statistics;
  6. after completing the main story, there will also be the ability to take tasks from the whisper tree. Their goal is to acquire valuable resources and return them to the quest giver. In return, you will receive random equipment.

If you want to see the full video that features the most important ending game info, you can do so below.

Diablo IV will start on June 6, 2023 on PC, PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

  1. 5 Reasons Why I Can’t Wait For Diablo 4

On paper, a medical physicist. In reality, however, a humanist who has loved games since childhood. With this passion, he decided to try writing for a wider audience. She has been affiliated with GlobeLiveMedia since 2017. First in guides, she now writes primarily for copywriting, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed specialist in free-to-play games. He likes strategy, simulators, role-playing games and horror games. She also has a weakness for online games. He spent an immodest number of hours on Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Additionally, he also enjoys watching horror movies (worse, better) and listening to music. But his greatest passion is trains.


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