A player posted a video in which he manages to make it work Windows 98 on your console Xbox series S. The operating system had already appeared on the most recent consoles of Microsoftafter a gamer successfully installed Windows 98 on Xbox Series X, but now we see it on its little sister.

Xbox Series S has been a huge success for Microsoft since its launch in 2020. With the limited availability of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X at the start of their lives, many gamers have turned to Xbox Series S as a cheaper alternative to get their solution. next-gen games.

The fact that the console is so easily accessible to gamers has been a key selling point for the Xbox Series S, and it’s certainly no slouch when it comes to performance either.

Combined with the affordable price of Xbox Game Pass, it makes Xbox Series S a force to be reckoned with in the console market.

The project was made by YouTuber, Modern Vintage Gamer, and turns the Xbox Series S into a retro gaming PC, featuring Windows 98. Modern Vintage Gamer manages to complete the project by emulating Windows 98 through the ability of the Xbox Series S to run community-developed applications.

In the video, he briefly shows footage of the Xbox Series S running classic PC titles like Half-Life and Unreal, with a few benchmarks showing very good results. It even tops it all off by hooking up an old CRT monitor to the console, which is sure to evoke nostalgia in many gamers.

Paul A.

I have been working as a journalist for Debate Media since 2020, I use the platform to communicate my interest in video games, cinema and technology, seeking to convey information in a clear and playful way. I have a particular taste for shooting games, not to mention indie games and anything with a motor and four wheels (or two).

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