Warning: The following text reveals minor spoilers related to the Hogwarts Legacy plot.

Azkaban, the wizarding prison that housed Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange, is one of many iconic wizarding world locations featured in Hogwarts Legacy. The problem, however, is that not everyone will have the “honor” of seeing the Dementors and the Patronus spell with their own eyes.

This is because it turns out that the Azkaban tour was connected to a side quest which is available only for one of the four houses present in the game. Specifically, this opportunity is given to Hufflepuff.

After following these four simple steps, we teleport to Azkaban. It is true that the visit to the infamous prison is quite short, but the timing is certainly a treat for Harry Potter fans. Unfortunately, the downside of this quest is that after completing it, we will no longer be able to return to Azkaban.

On the other hand, it can be taken as a consolation that you don’t really need to play Hogwarts Legacy to be able to complete this task. Such an opportunity presents itself after a few hours. Therefore, if you want to know the exclusive yarns of a particular house, you don’t have to play the whole game.

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