And streamer known for his shows”IRLwas about to get robbed while broadcasting live on Tic. While walking the streets of Thailand, the streamer known as MeesterKeem was approached by someone who tried to steal your walletalthough MeesterKeem noticed it.

The incident raised concerns about IRL streamers and their safety while streaming. The IRL (in real life) streaming genre has become a popular niche on various platforms such as Twitch.

Streamers broadcast their daily lives while viewers tune in to see what their favorite creator is up to. These types of shows often cover seemingly mundane tasks in a person’s life, but every once in a while there are filmed moments that not only shock the viewers but also the streamers featured in the stream.

Concerns have even been raised that streamers gain a false sense of security while filming, which can lead to more dangerous situations they wouldn’t face without a camera.

Unfortunately, MeesterKeem was one such IRL streamer who found himself in a potentially dangerous situation while filming live. In a short video taken from the Twitch stream, MeesterKeem can be seen walking down a street in Thailand at night when someone approaches him on the sidewalk.

The stranger appears to be trying to flirt with MeesterKeem, and when the streamer finally manages to get away from this person, he realizes that his wallet has been taken from him, prompting MeesterKeem to act immediately and grab his wallet.

Luckily, MeesterKeem was luckier than other hapless IRL streamers, but the interaction is still a bit scary to watch.

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