Just a week ago we had news again of Terra Nil, the title of ecological strategy and management in which we will have to use technology to reverse the desertification and pollution that have turned the earth into a desert, him revitalize and establish a sustainable ecosystem.

At that time we had already told you that the title of free lives there Digital feedback It would come out this spring, but it will also do so when the plants start putting out the first buds: the March 28. We also learned that the game, in addition to its clear conservation intent and message, will have a duration between 6 and 8 hours and will have a wide range of possible biomes and flora and fauna species with which to interact.

nil earth

Additionally, the game will also be part of the growing portfolio of titles affiliated with netflix at no cost to platform users, so this can be a good way to take advantage of it for anyone who needs to justify ongoing expenses, especially after the latest account regulation changes.

Throughout the pre-order period and until after the launch, Free Lives will donate a portion of the proceeds from Terra Nil Steam sales to the Endangered Wildlife Trust.

“From the start of development, we wanted Terra Nil to have an impact in the real world,” he says. Alfred himselfco-creator and lead game designer.

“After much research, we found the perfect partner to make this happen in the Endangered Wildlife Trust. Free Lives will donate a portion of the proceeds from every sale of Terra Nil on Steam to the Endangered Wildlife Trust to help them in their efforts to preservation and restoration of ecosystems. In the real world”.

nil earth

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