Although the original Robocop movie is one of the best action movies of all time, as a video game character it hasn’t been well received in the past. In fact, aside from 1994’s Robocop Versus The Terminator, we can’t remember a single good remote game featuring the “half-man, half-machine, all-cop” (good ol’ Alex Murphy n hasn’t he suffered enough?).

Hopefully the next Robocop: Rogue City can change that. Here we will meet the original Robocop, again played by Pierre Weller (who played Alex Murphy/Robocop in Paul Verhoeven’s first two films) so we’re expecting lots of classic quotes, lots of violence and good gameplay, although we’re still not sure of the latter after seeing this new trailer you can see below.

What do you think, does this look like a great game that will finally transform the well-known character into a true video game hero?

Robocop: Rogue Town

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