Fans of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are already simulating their own Fuse creations, and the results are largely mixed.

Last month, new gameplay for Tears of the Kingdom debuted in a Nintendo Direct, and one of the main features of the presentation was the ability to merge two items together to create a new item. For example, Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma combined a stick and a rock to construct a makeshift hammer to smash enemies with.

Now Zelda fans create their own Fuse results using the power of their imaginations. One such creation is courtesy of the Reddit post just below, where someone combined a fish and a boomerang to create, you guessed it, a Fish Boomerang! Since players can literally stick meat on an arrow, this could quite honestly make its way into the end game.

Crafting Custom Fusion Weapons Day 1 Until Game Release: Boomerang Fish by r/Breath_of_the_Wild

This Reddit user didn’t stop there, as he pledged to create a new Fuse creation every day until Tears of the Kingdom launches on May 12. At least so far his latest creation is Fairy Club, an object. whose name literally reveals everything there is to reveal about him. Put a bunch of fairies on a stick and boom! fairy club.

Day 7 of Creating Custom Fused Items Until Game Release: r/Breath_of_the_Wild’s Fairy Club

Oh, and there’s also a trend around dicks. Don’t say we didn’t warn you, but another Reddit user (opens in a new tab) has proclaimed that he’ll be making a Tears of the Kingdom Fuse compatible dick and ball game as soon as the game launches game day .release next month. . We really, really hope that Nintendo has an in-game countermeasure against such chaotic creations.

Considering the aforementioned Reddit post has a distressing amount of upvotes, we could very well see a trend around penis creation in Hyrule. Again, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Check out our current guide for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Mergeswhich chronicles all the Fuse creations presented by Nintendo to date.

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