One of the big stars of Division Day this year was obviously The Division 2, which has enjoyed a resurgence since Ubisoft re-entered the title about a year ago.

As part of this year’s annual showcase, we’ve been told all about Year 5 of the looter shooter, and fans will have plenty to get excited about.

Starting in June with Season 1: Broken Wings, this season will kick off with the addition of a new free roguelite way, for all owners of The Division 2, dubbed Descent, which asks players to enter a simulation alone or in a group, to fight against hordes of enemies in the hope of obtaining better loot rewards. The event will even have a Splinter Cell tie-in, and players will have to complete challenges to get gear that would make Sam Fisher jealous.

Season 1 will also see the start of the rebuilding of the in-game castle, which will continue throughout Year 5 of the title.

The next one will be Season: Puppeteers. We’ve been told that it will be headlined by a new raid that will take players to the state of Merritt to take on the Cleaner faction.

Apparently, Season 3: Vanguard will take place no later than December, since we have been promised a return to New York for a Christmas event. No specific details were given on the return to the Big Apple.

Finally, Season 4: Black Diamond is coming which will bring a lot of content to explore. From new story DLC to new areas, new quests, and new endgame structures, this looks to be a pretty well-rounded season that will keep players hooked until whatever Ubisoft has in store for the season. year 5.

They also say that each season will include new manhunts and other activities, but players will need the Warlords of New York expansion to access much of this new content.

You can assume that’s all Ubisoft has planned for The Division 2, but we’ve also been informed that starting next week the game will feature a Resident Evil crossover that will allow players to obtain items by Leon S. Kennedy of the April 25 to May 9.

And finally, Ubisoft promised that there will be a lot of sales on cosmetics and outfits from May 2, and that there will be discounts and sales on the main game and its expansions before the start of the game. year 5.

Although there is no mention of the exact start date of The Division 2 Year 5, other than the June window, we have been informed that the new content will be available on the public test server of the game for PC gamers from tomorrow April 21which means that very soon you will be able to get an idea of ​​what awaits you.

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