Tetris Effect: Connected Update Available Now (Version 2.0), Patch Notes

Posted on February 26, 2023 by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Change

The latest update has been released for Tetris Effect: Connectedbring the game to version 2.0.

This is one of the game’s biggest updates to date. It includes Classic Score Attack for single player, Zone Marathon mode, Endless Purify mode, Endless Master mode, and even a TATE mode for Switch.

The full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 2.0 update are as follows:

(All) Added classic solo score attack mode in EFFECT MODES.
NTSC/PAL GAME SPEED options are available.

(All) Added Zone Marathon mode to EFFECT MODES.
A new version of Marathon mode with the Zone mechanic.

(All) Added Endless option to Master Mode in EFFECT MODES.
Enabling this option will disable all lines or time limits.

(All) Added Endless option to Purify mode in EFFECT MODES.
Enabling this option will disable all lines or time limits.

(Switch) Added TATE MODE (VERTICAL MODE) to OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY in TRAVEL MODE and EFFECTS MODES. The option is accessible during the game.

Other minor changes and bug fixes.

KNOWN ISSUES IN THE GAME (non-exhaustive list):


(SWITCH) Changing the Nintendo Switch system clock to a future time and posting scores in Online Multiplayer, then resetting it may prevent your scores from updating in Online Multiplayer. Do not change the system clock when playing online multiplayer.

All Switch players can download the new 2.0 update for Tetris Effect: Connected now.


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