Time flies too fast, right? My word, it’s been a full decade since developer Crystal Dynamics rebooted the Tomb Raider franchise, ushering gaming icon Lara Croft into a whole new era on March 5, 2013.
Since then, two solid sequels have cemented the reboot trilogy as a shining piece of the Tomb Raider puzzle in our book: three great games that managed to modernize the series and make it relevant again.
However, the renovation was not without drawbacks, it is true. Sometimes the newer Tomb Raider games got a little combat heavy, especially Rise of The Tomb Raider, and we really liked it when each game slowed things down a bit. Shadow of the Tomb Raider introduced a bit more exploration in any case; a part of the series that we would like to see explored more in the future.
Now that Square Enix is getting rid of the Tomb Raider IP, we don’t know what’s next for the franchise. However, we do know that the reboot team is continuing the series, so where would you like to see Tomb Raider next under the direction of Crystal Dynamics?
If there’s one thing we’d love to see the team take away from older games in the series, it’s that feeling of being isolated in a strange place while searching for treasure. One aspect of the original Tomb Raider titles that we think is underrated is the sheer atmosphere they generated: no more spooky tomb raids and less gunfire, please!
But where do you want Tomb Raider to go next? Do you have a specific location in mind, or perhaps a certain central idea that you would like to see Crystal Dynamics explore?
Leave your wishes and suggestions below!
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Ben is a fan of action, racing, and direct fire in every video game he can get his hands on. When he’s not playing, Ben spends his time listening to too many Guns N’ Roses, watching football, and probably eating somewhere.