Star Wars Jedi: Survivor aims to do more than just give us an ongoing sequel. While it wants to retain the essence of what made Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order great, it will also offer much more in terms of combat, environments, enemy types, and NPCs.

At least from what the game director says, Stig Asmussenwho, in statements to PLAY Magazinesaid the Respawn team created “significantly larger maps, with more detail, higher density, greater variety of enemies and NPCs, and overall fidelity” in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Asmussen also thinks the new hardware we’ve seen in the current generation of consoles has greatly allowed Respawn to focus much more on the upcoming title than its predecessor.

Respawn recently announced that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has been delayed for six weeks, but given that the game didn’t jump from a March release to another until April, fans will be waiting a long time to see these new features. improved over the previous one. .

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