Square-Enix created an official TikTok account for FFXIV. At the time of writing, he does not follow any other accounts and has around 1500 followers. There’s only one video so far, and it’s a Chocobo mixing the Eorzean version of the Chocobo theme song.

According to the Twitter announcement, the FFXIV Twitter account is for posting unique FFXIV videos as well as news. However, the Twitter account will continue to be the main center of information. It is unclear if there will be any exclusive news from the TikTok account, as well as how it will deliver it. Other brands that have adopted TikTok tend to use current memes and trends to stay relevant in the algorithm.

Due to the popularity of FFXIV, it is a game that people can frequently watch on TikTok. There are TikToks where players use their Warriors of Light to perform skits. Some other users create modifications of game scenes or characters. The fact that it’s separate from Square Enix’s official TikTok is likely because FFXIV has enough content to stand on its own. Users can also use FFX IV music for your own TikToks. According to Square Enix’s rules and guidelines, you can only use them on the TikTok platform. Also, like most other copyrighted sounds in the app, only one minute of the track is available.

FFXIV is available for PS4, PS5, and Windows PC.

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