Gaijin Entertainment announces that the online action game War Thunder will receive the tech tree for Soviet robots. These machines will be carefully recreated using unique materials provided by the developer of the shooter Atomic Heart.

Soviet robots will certainly fit well into the world of War Thunder and play unique roles in battles. For example, the MA-9 Belyash welding robot is inspired by chimpanzees and can easily scale even vertical surfaces, making it a perfect explorer. Designed for repair and construction work, the NA-T256 Natasha is equipped with a jetpack that allows it to launch vertically and reach speeds of up to 95 km/h. She is also armed with anti-personnel mines, a rocket launcher and a Katyusha 3.0 multiple rocket launcher, making her indispensable in support duties. Air strike teams, such as the MTU-7 Bumblebee truck with a laser system or the LUC-1 Owl small mobile drone with ShKAS automatic machine guns, are also widely represented in the range.

More information about Soviet robots will be announced later thunder of war and the beta test date of the new tech tree.

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