Various character designs emerged during the nearly hour-long session. chrono-cross interview shared by Square Enix. We already knew that character designer Nobuteru Yuuki created new art for the remaster. However, during this discussion, producer Koichiro Sakamoto and project manager Mariko Sato explained how this was accomplished as the original art was not finished. Sato then explained how Yuuki was the one who asked him to redesign the characters. As a reminder, Sakamoto and Sato each confirmed chrono-cross the character was redesigned or touched up for the remaster.
First, Sakamoto explained how they approached the idea of revisiting the chrono-cross character design
We also asked Mr. Nobuteru Yuuki to polish the character illustrations. Some of the original illustrations were actually unfinished. So we asked Mr. Yuuki to draw them…
… There are so many great characters. Some people can be emotionally invested in original works of art. We therefore let you switch between the original version and the remastered version…
…Some color fills are a bit different. Some people can tell the difference.
The project manager, Sato, mentioned how Yuuki agreed, but also asked him to create new designs.
Initially I went to ask if we could use the artwork. He regretted them a little and said, “Let me redraw them.” It seemed like a blessing to us, so I asked him to do it.
Initially, we just asked to use them. But there are so many characters in chrono-cross I wondered if I could make it in time. He said, “Let me check my schedule!” And he managed to do it in time.
Here is the complete chrono-cross there Radical dreamers interview with director Masato Kato.
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.