Skyrim is one of the most beloved role-playing games of all time, so much so that fans continue to debate the features of Bethesda’s fantasy title.

The fifth chapter of Ancient Scrolls (of which you can find the anniversary edition on Amazon) is in fact a title appreciated by entire generations, to the point of highlighting discussions of all kinds.

Recently fans of Skyrim they argued over which was the best city in the game, so much so that the answers certainly surprised everyone.

Now, as also reported Rant GameI am fan of Skyrim they argue about what enemy would be easier to defeat, but in real life.

Skyrim has a huge number of different enemies, from the humble crab to the fierce dragons that made the game so famous: some are pretty hard to beat in the game, though even the most innocuous ones can pose a serious threat to the unwary player.

Today, the various creatures are debated online as to which would be easier to defeat in real life; players would be very lucky to survive without the power of the dragonborn or any of the powerful weapons and spells featured in Skyrim.

Redditor ‘GreenHorse’ posted an image asking other members of the community to Skyrim what enemies they might face in real life.

Of all the enemies you can fight in Skyrim, which one do you think you can face with your IRL abilities? from skyrim

Most of those who responded don’t seem very confident that they can hold their own against some of the more mundane enemies, while others pointed out that the real world is a dangerous place and that modern technology could give them an edge.

One of the funniest answers came from ManDragonA: I would say a chickenbut we all know how it will end”referring to the fact that in Skyrim entire populations turn against players who kill chickens within the confines of a city.

To stay on topic, a player of Skyrim he fell on an insect which blocked him hundreds of meters high, while defending himself from the jaws of a dragon.

But not only: another fan decided to go further and create a real LEGO version of the Skyrimreally nice to see.

Finally, a mod shows a Skyrim destroyed, with torn cities, in which only the undead, creatures and animals remain.

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