A new Technical Preview stage for Sins of a Solar Empire 2 has arrived, which means the 4X sci-fi game is now multiplayer. Players can now jump into existing multiplayer games and take control of an AI faction or player who needs to leave. The latest update also brings additional changes, such as updates to ship models and textures, and an update to the research tree.

Developers Stardock and Ironclad say the introduction of multiplayer is an important milestone for Sins of a Solar Empire 2’s early access period. The studios are looking to gather as much feedback as possible from players during this phase, and Although this is available in the Tech Preview, it’s “just the tip of the iceberg”, players should get a good idea of ​​the capabilities of the new game engine.

As mentioned above, multiplayer allows players to step in and take control of another player’s AI factions, or switch to another member of a multiplayer session who needs to leave the game. It is also possible to create private games and invite friends using a unique game code. You will also be able to easily rejoin a game after losing connection.

“Internally, we’ve had co-workers jump into ongoing games and completely wipe out people who thought they had a sure win,” says Brian Clair, Stardock’s publishing director. “We can’t wait to see our community adopt this feature and this is just the beginning!”

The latest update also refreshes some ships with new models and textures. You will see visual improvements on the TEC Ogrov Torpedo Cruiser, Pirate Rogue, Corsair, and Pillager ships.

Another cool new feature is pings for attack, defense, and attention commands, which will help coordinate efforts whether you’re playing as a team or an alliance.

You can see the full list of changes on the official website. Next up is the Vasari Loyalist faction in the spring, followed by the Vasari Rebels faction this summer. In the fall, look forward to the arrival of the Advent Loyalist faction.

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