Capcom showed the gameplay of Resident Evil Village VR mode in its latest gameplay trailer. VR support for the game, which originally launched in 2021, will be available for free via a DLC update. The mode will launch on the same day as the hardware launch of PSVR 2: February 22, 2023.

Take a look at the trailer below.

He Resident Evil Village The VR mode gameplay trailer shows scenes from the game, but rendered using some of the telltale signs of VR-equipped gameplay.

For example, protagonist and player character Ethan Winters moves his vantage point freely and independently of his limbs, much like a person would with a virtual reality headset and individual hand controls. Likewise, he holds weapons and can aim them by holding them at eye level. Also seen is a brief look at menu controls in VR, where players can equip weapons and gear using a virtual cursor.

Resident Evil Village VR mode also includes things like dual wielding, where Ethan holds and fires a different weapon in each hand, unarmed combat, and the ability to transfer weapons from hand to hand. A shooting range will also allow them to test the different weapons available.

According to Capcom, those interested in trying out the game on their PSVR 2 hardware (when it launches) will be able to do so via a playable demo, which will be released the same day as the DLC.

Resident Evil Village is available on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC, as well as on Nintendo Switch in cloud version. VR mode is currently exclusive to the PS5 version of the game and will require the use of PSVR 2 hardware.

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