We already have a new phenomenon in the world of video games, as games like Among Us or Fall Guys have been in their day . This time it is going to be scary and Poppy Playtime has become a success among the public, thanks especially to the reception of the streamers. Ibai Llanos is one of those who has been shown to be very scared in this most creepy abandoned toy factory . The best thing is that you can have it totally free and we are going to tell you how.
What is Poppy Playtime about?
The formula is very simple. Simply, we appear inside a toy factory in which we have to survive while a rather badass blue doll chases us and puts us before various puzzles and brain teasers that we will have to solve if we don’t want to die trying. We embody a former worker of said factory who receives a video in which they tell him that all the employees have disappeared from the place and he returns to try to discover the reasons. What value!
As we already told you, the first chapter of Poppy Playtime is available for free on Steam . It is not a temporary offer, but it will be like this forever. The game was released on October 12, 2021, but has become fashionable again thanks to streamers and the release of the second part. Below we leave you the corresponding links to get hold of Poppy Playtime on the platform you prefer, bearing in mind that there is also a version for mobile devices, although these are free of charge.
The first chapter of Poppy Playtime, which is the one you can enjoy if you download it from the links just above, has a duration of 40 minutes and will take you to investigate an abandoned toy factory in the quenada is what it seems, and in the that we will have to put up with the presence of bizarre toys ready to scare us while we try to solve the puzzles they put in front of us.
Poppy Playtime 2 has also just been released, which acts as a sequel and offers a longer experience, which can be around 3 to 5 hours, depending on the endurance of your hearts in the face of scares and disturbing presences, strange noises and sudden appearances. Its price on Steam is €8.19 and the only requirement is that you need the first installment to be able to play but, as we have told you, it is totally free.