Pokémon GO Illuminated Legends move forward one letter from X to Y. From May 18, Yveltal landed in the raids and settled there for 2 weeks. If you’re looking for stats, best counters, attack analysis, and more, you’ve come to the right place!

  • PC max name: 3781 at level 40 and 4275 at level 50.
  • Number of CP of a Yveltal 100 IV: 2161 for a normal level 20 encounter. 2701 for a weather-boosted Pokémon. The more you tend towards these numbers, the more likely your Yveltal is to be perfect.
  • Stats : 250 in attack, 185 in defense and 246 in endurance. That’s good, but it doesn’t break 3 legs for a Canarticho either, especially for a Pokémon of its caliber (that is, a very recent big Legendary).
  • Performance in PVP and raids : Obviously, it is difficult to properly judge a Pokémon that has not yet been released or has just been released. That being said, it is still possible to do simulations and see what comes out! If we exclude Dark Pokémon and Mega Evolutions, Yveltal is the 2nd best Dark Raid attacker behind Darkrai. Not bad at all. For the Flight type, don’t count on Yveltal, he sucks. In PVP, Yveltal is playable in the Master League but it gets eaten up a bit by all of the best Pokémon in the meta, we don’t necessarily recommend it.
  • Weaknesses : Yveltal is a Pokémon of type Vol / Ténèbre. It is therefore weak against types Specter, Psychic, Insect, Combat and Plant. If you don’t have the best “counters” (the ones shown below), you know where to turn.

Which Pokémon to use to defeat and capture Yveltal in a raid? List of the best counters

Note that this list was made using a fairly complex combat simulator, so it is very reliable.

  • Zekrom (Charged Ray / Crazy Lightning);
  • Mega-Elecsprint (Charged Ray / Crazy Lightning);
  • lightning Totémique (Change Lightning / Thunder);
  • Charkos (Anti-Air / Landslide);
  • Rhinastoc (Anti-Air / Roc Boulet);
  • Elable (Lightning Bolt / Crazy Lightning);
  • Raikou (Lightning Bolt / Crazy Lightning);
  • Darumacho de Galar (Ice Crocs /. Avalanche).

If you don’t have a Mega-Elecprint, you can go to Mega-Pharamp, but pretty much all of the Pokémon listed above are better. Obviously, there are other good counters like Electhor, Terrakium or Mammochon. We haven’t added Dark Pokémon since they are very expensive to upgrade, but, of course, if you have a good Raikou or Dark Electhor, don’t hesitate.

First of all, know that the weather boost is obtained thanks to Windy weather. With this you will encounter a Yveltal at level 25 instead of level 20 but it will be more complicated to beat. Well, there is also fog which gives a weather boost but it’s not like we have fog every other day.

The two most advantageous weather conditions for the attack are Partly Cloudy weather (boost Rock type) and Rainy weather (boost Electric type). For the Ice counters, you need snow, but it’s springtime, so don’t mess around either.

Finally, pay attention to cloudy weather which boosts Yveltal’s Exploforce! We are going to see it right now, this attack may not have STAB, it can cause you a lot of problems.

List of Yveltal’s attacks on Pokémon GO and their influence on your raid fight

Quick attacks Charged attacks
  • Low Blow (Dark)
  • Aboiement (Ténèbre)
  • Tornado (Flight)
  • Vibrobscur (Ténèbre)
  • Violent Wind (Flight)
  • Exploforce (Combat)
  • Ultralaser (Normal)
  • Psycho (Psycho)

In terms of quick attacks, the most interesting for you to go for is Bark. It’s even the only one that is useful for Yveltal’s main use: being a good Dark Pokémon in raids. Tornado is a very good attack, but your Electric and Rock Pokémon are resistant to it. Coup-Bas is blah.

For charged attacks, you should logically look for a Yveltal with Vibrobscur. This is the Dark type STAB. This is a very good attack that is likely to damage your counters.

Strong wind, it’s a bit like Tornado. Good attack but resisted by many blocks, so quiet.

Exploforce is Yveltal’s biggest danger. The Combat type is super effective against Rock and Ice types. If you come across a Yveltal Exploforce, only use Electric counters!

There remains Psycho and Ultralaser to which we will give the rating of osef / 20.

How many trainers does it take to beat Yveltal on Pokémon GO?

Yveltal remains a fairly solid Pokémon both defensively and offensively. If you have the best counters possible and come well prepared, it is possible to drop to 3. But hey, in your place, we won’t take the risk. Let’s say that it is necessary rather minimum 4 or even 5 high level trainers to bring down the dark birds.

If you have a little less experience, bring as many buddies as possible to hope for a chance. It’s your turn!

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