the anime of Pokemon getting ready to say goodbye to Ash Ketchum after seeing him travel through 25 years of every gymnasium, on endless adventures, and now the most recent episode has taken a very big step to close the book of his journey with an emotional reunion with Squirtle.

Right now the Pokemon anime is halfway through its special final episode slate for Ash, and it’s been a trip down memory lane as he’s been reintroduced to some of the major players that came with him. at the beginning of his journey, but, the most recent episode shared a full tribute to the Kanto region.

You see, in previous episodes of Pokémon: Aim to become a Pokémon Masterthe anime brought both back Brock such as Foggy to travel with Ash again in the final leg of his adventure, and now Ash has not only brought his Bulbasaur and Charizard with him, but has even been able to reunite with the Squirtle he parted ways with all those years ago, when of a moving reunion.

Episode 5 of the anime shows us Ash, Misty, and Brock walking through a town announcing a special with the squad of squirrels. Wanting to see their old friend in action, which is why Ash and the others are surprised to see the group actually perform Super Sentai as heroes instead of fighting fires as they were known in the original series.

It is revealed shortly after that this was just a trap for Team Rocket to take advantage of, and even causes a rift between Squirtle and Ash due to a misunderstanding. Fortunately, the two are able to resolve this misunderstanding and settle things fairly quickly, as the Squirtle Squad must put out a real fire in the area.

But as the episode draws to a close, the two have the much-needed reunion they’ve been looking for and mirrors the first time this Squirtle decided to team up with Ash decades ago, something many of his fans have been waiting for.

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