Sony announced the latest PlayStation Plus games for March 2023 during the State of Play presentation. Three new games will be available to subscribers from March 7, 2023 through April 3, 2023. These games are vein code (PS4) minecraft dungeons (PS4) the battlefield 2042 (PS4, PS5).

vein code is a Soulslike from Bandai Namco, centering on a group of vampires battling creatures in a post-apocalyptic world. The game shares a lot of development staff with the god eater franchise, and features brutal combat against a variety of tough enemies. It was released in 2019 and usually costs $59.99.

minecraft dungeons is a dungeon crawler spin-off set in the Minecraft universe. It’s an isometric hack-and-slash with random elements and a simple story. It was released in 2020 and normally costs $19.99.

battlefield 2042 is the last of the Battlefield First-person shooter franchise. It takes place in the titular year and features many futuristic weaponry. It was originally released in 2021 and normally costs $59.99.

Current PlayStation Plus games will continue to be available until March 6, 2023. These include Destiny 2: Beyond Light (PS4, PS5), Evil dead: the game (PS4, PS5), Mafia: The Definitive Edition (PS4) the Mundo OlliOlli (PS4, PS5). New PlayStation Plus games including vein codewill be available on March 7, 2023.

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