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Whether it’s warehouse hold-ups, thieving delivery men, or a shortage of components, it’s become nearly impossible to find a reasonably priced PS5 lately. And it’s not about to stop. Salomé explains why in the first daily of the day.

Released on November 19 in France, the PlayStation 5 has been scarce ever since. In addition to the health situation which complicates its production, a secondary war between Sony and Microsoft also explains the shortage of two new generation machines. If rumors had whispered that the Japanese manufacturer would increase the production rate of its PS5 for a restocking by March 2021, the situation seems to be complicated for Sony.

Towards more expensive consoles?

In question, the delicate position of AMD, main supplier of chips for the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series. Tom’s Guide explains in particular that it is an essential component for the processors which is lacking. However, due to the dominant position of Intel and Nvidia over AMD, it is these brands that have priority. This combined with an out of stock 8 inch silicon wafers and gddr5 & 6, Salomé explains that there might not be a PS5 until at least next summer.

In conclusion, she indicates that the consoles’ lead times are not the only ones to be uncertain. Indeed, the cost of transport by containers has exploded for 2 months. What make manufacturers change their minds about the price of their consoles?

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