We’ve had a ton of announcements this week for titles coming in the coming months, especially on Nintendo Switch thanks to the Nintendo Direct which took place last Wednesday night. But in addition to the games seen there, Square Enix took the opportunity to present a new visual novel which will be released on hybrid console and PC next March, Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo.

It is a supernatural mystery adventure in the form of a graphic novel and a 2D visual style set in Honjo, Tokyo’s Sumida district during the Shōwa period. We will discover a series of ghost stories in which the main characters have the power to cast curses, in which the day and night cycle involves two very different game systems. During the day, it’s time to explore; at night, fight

Thanks to the support and collaboration of the Sumida Tourism Department, the local museum, the tourist office and the local community, the real places were photographed with a 360° camera.

Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo llega a PC on March 8 and a day later, andOn March 9, it will arrive on Nintendo Switch.. Check out the trailer below to see what’s in store for her story.

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