There was something special about the kind of pixels that painted the fantasy worlds we visited in the 16-bit era. And to think that thirty years later we would wallow in our nostalgia and use words like “retro” to describe this type of graphic style. These days, the contrast between the most technically advanced graphics and the path taken by Octopath Traveler games is starkly differentiated. But luckily there is room for both. Especially when it’s done as well as it does here, and it’s largely thanks to the visuals that this sequel shines its own light. Where many new components strive to take giant steps in technicality and realism, Octopath Traveler II flirts with nostalgia. But not without effectively using various visual novelties.

I love JRPGs and I love the graphical style the developers used in its predecessor and now of course they continue in this sequel. I think a lot of my fascination has to do with the fact that everything also seems to have a natural progression. Because where something as simple as characters are heavily pixelated, their animations remain clear and vivid. Add to that details like the technically stunning water, atmospheric lighting, particle effects, and the fact that everything is crisp and high definition. It’s as if the pixel graphics of the past meet the technological advancements of today. I’ll talk more about how the visual effects really elevate this adventure in a moment.

A dancer who wants to become famous will be one of the eight stories.

Basically, this game is the life story of eight characters. As in the first game, you choose where your story will begin by choosing the character you find most interesting, which will become a permanent part of your future party. Fear not, you’ll also discover the stories of other characters along the way. All the heroes have very different personalities and their reasons for embarking on their journeys are very different. We go from a warrior to a doctor, passing through a dancer and five other characters, all with their own reasons for venturing into the vast world. Even here, we notice that the developers are not looking to change too much compared to its predecessor, since these professions are the same as the eight that made up the whole of the first part. If there’s one major criticism of this sequel, it’s precisely that things may feel too safe. There are, however, several new features, and without shaking the foundations, these are welcome additions. For example, you can switch from day to night at any time with the press of a button, changing the environment and making certain abilities only available at a certain time of day.


Other novelties were also added, such as characters crossing paths in short stories called “Crossroads”, in which two characters simply share a shorter story. One of the biggest criticisms of the first game was that the characters’ stories weren’t intertwined enough and, unfortunately, that’s also a weak point here. Having eight different stories is smart in many ways, especially when they’re so different. But unfortunately, the feeling of a gang going on an adventure together is somewhat lost, as the focus is on each character rather than collaboration. It would have been nice if, for a possible third installment, they had managed to unite the characters a little more. I understand the idea of ​​telling everyone’s story, but as soon as you start a chapter with one character, all the others become secondary characters. They are there, but they are totally ignored in the story itself. It would have been more effective if, for example, a character had to seek out one or more of the other protagonists and chain it all together a bit.

Octopath Traveler II
The fights are really good.

Another downside is that when jumping from story to story, the world it all takes place in is a bit odd in its presentation. You can participate in a character’s story that takes them to a certain place, then find yourself involved in another when a character arrives in a town or city you’ve been to before. Although there are many locations, the fact that the same location is used for multiple characters makes exploration a bit lost. One way to fix this would have been to simply save certain towns and cities for later in the game for specific characters.

The nthe arrative is also a bit irregular and disjointed in general, but there’s also something nice about being able to drop a character’s story if, for example, you come across a boss that feels too difficult. By switching heroes and exploring another site, you can upgrade the characters you used in the other story, so hopefully they’ll be strong enough to take on the challenge when you return to the one you temporarily left behind. behind you. Just visit one of the many inns in the game to start a new story, or pick up the one you left off and hopefully move on.


Solistia, the world in which the adventures take place, is a colorful setting in which the distances between significant locations never seem particularly long. The variety, however, is stunning, with classic desert and snowy landscapes and, above all, impressive forests. But it’s the bustling cities and small towns that are a joy to visit. It’s a shame that the characters stay stuck in place, like echoes of old games, but otherwise it manages to create the feeling that you’re really arriving in a bustling metropolis. There are more modern elements, but it still feels like classic fantasy in every way.

Octopath Traveler II
Life is not easy when you lose your memory. The only possible solution seems to be to go on an adventure in the world.

Octopath Traveler II is a very classic JRPG in every way. There are random and turn-based battles, and most the content is very familiar, for better or for worse. That’s not to say there’s a lack of finesse, as there are a lot of challenges here, and the importance of knowing how to best suit your group, making sure you have the right gear at all times, is crucial. The game features everything from classic weapons to spells, and the importance of mixing and matching offensive and support elements should come as no surprise to those who frequent the genre.

The formula is very similar throughout the adventure. There is lots of dialogue at the start of the new chapter of each hero, which usually ends with a boss fight. Each enemy has multiple weapons or magic as their weak point and once you land enough hits you break through their defenses and can deal real damage. Each turn, your heroes receive a new upgrade point, which you can save for your character to deal more or more powerful blows. Breaking through enemy defenses also causes them to lose their next turn, so you have a chance to deal more damage or recover health. The game gets tactical in a way that turn-based battles sometimes don’t, and here it’s all about constantly thinking ahead and playing to your characters’ strengths. The bosses also look menacing, and you have to be prepared for several time-consuming battles. I think the battles are brilliant, even though they’re the same type we’re used to in JRPGs, but their features keep them engaging throughout and I never sigh out loud like I would in other games when it’s time for a turn-based trick. . against enemies. The developers managed to find a good balance between tactics and subtlety.

Octopath Traveler II
To say the environments are pleasant is an understatement. The game always moves to absolutely beautiful locations.

Along with these countless turn-based battles and boss fights, the main objective is of course an adventure, an epic journey, and here you have to be ready for a lot of dialogue. The eight stories aren’t nearly as compelling, but there are plenty that stand out. Personally, I liked the adventure of the merchant Partitio and that of a wizard named Osvald who seeks revenge. These two stories in particular seemed to me to have the best settings, and also the flashbacks are used very effectively to give depth to the stories. There are also some nice encounters with other characters that we come across but as I said, I miss the connection between the eight heroes by not having a lot of interaction between them which is a shame.

I started the text talking about visual effects, and it’s no surprise that they became the center of attention. Because the graphic style of the game is also one of the main reasons for my crush. I am aware that this may seem superficial, that the graphics are not the most important, etc. But there’s no denying how lovely it is. Although it looks lovely in the photos, it is on the move where it shines. Besides the magic pixels, which paint everything perfectly, there are two things that stand out: the way each environment is filled with detail and the way past and present blend together. In terms of detail, everything is brilliant, from the tiny fluttering butterflies to the way a bird perches in the foreground of the screen, to the way each piece is beautifully ornate. Few times have an inn or armory held so much charm in a match. To this must be added the way in which the lights are used to immerse everything in a magical atmosphere. Because if there’s one thing Octopath Traveler II does, it’s make you feel like you’re on a fairy tale adventure. Other things I would also like to commend about the graphics are how, despite the two-dimensional surface, perspective and depth of field are used effectively to really elevate the visuals. The game is simply unmatched in many ways and with a little more trickery it manages to do something unique.

To this must be added the magnificent music. Epic arrangements with jazzy tones that further enhance the atmosphere. I really like bass piano sounds accompanied by atmospheric strings. The voice actors are also very good, so the graphics and sound are just awesome.

Octopath Traveler IIOctopath Traveler II
The environments are varied and every place you visit is spectacular.

Octopath Traveler II fluctuated between several different scores during my playtime, all at the high end. I may find the game too safe, and it certainly has downsides that I don’t want to condone. My personal fascination with this type of game, this type of adventure, could easily overshadow everything for the first few hours, when everything felt new and exciting. Most of what I expected from this suite came true and again it is so pretty and so comfortable. A perfect storybook adventure in many ways.

Every time I start the game, I feel like I’m about to embark on a beautiful epic adventure, and Octopath Traveler II is truly perfect for delivering a fantastic adventure in one of the most beautiful worlds in the world. game. But it’s not a perfect game. Despite the fact that I liked it so much, I have to be honest and say that the cons detract from the quality of the experience a bit. But luckily, you can be passionately in love with something without having to be completely blameless.

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