The bone Joy-Con Nintendo has been among the most affected by the issue of unintentional stick movement, also known as derivative. The issue, causing the analog sticks to register input despite not being moved by the player, has long been a topic of conversation with all manner of controllers, but as Nintendo Switch has been at the forefront of the problem, the Japanese game company has pledged to help people facing the problem in the UK, European Economic Area and Switzerland. As noted in a new update to the nintendo support page:

“Nintendo prides itself on creating high quality, durable products and continually improving them. Therefore, and until further notice, Nintendo is offering consumers who purchased the affected product in the EEA (European Economic Area), UK United Kingdom and Switzerland to repair to address Controller Syndrome will be carried out free of charge at official Nintendo repair centers.”

The promise goes even further by adding that Nintendo will even repair Joy-Cons that have exceeded their warranty.

“This applies even if the syndrome is caused by wear and even if the 24-month manufacturer’s warranty provided by Nintendo has expired.”

If you had problems with derivative and you are considering accepting Nintendo’s offer, you can go here to book a repair.

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