A new report from the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) in the UK has referenced a secret piece of Nintendo hardware, and fans believe it could be a follow-up console to the Switch.

The report (opens in a new tab), which continues the CMA’s investigation into Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard deal, mentions Nintendo’s role in the market, specifically its use of cloud gaming and Nintendo Switch Online. What’s interesting is that when talking about Nintendo Switch’s online features, it is mentioned that they are available on the aforementioned console, as well as secret hardware that has been removed from the document.

“Nintendo Switch Online has been excluded from our actions because Nintendo’s cloud gaming service is very limited,” the document states, “Nintendo’s cloud gaming service is only available on the Nintendo Switch device and ( DELETED).” In the same paragraph, the CMA writes, “Nintendo Switch Online provides players with access to online gaming and cloud saves, among other features. Accordingly, we view Nintendo Switch Online primarily as an online multiplayer service rather than as a cloud gaming service.”

This naturally let many fans’ imaginations run wild with speculation (as seen in this Reddit post – opens in a new tab) that the CMA refers to a follow-up to the Nintendo Switch, as the console that been the subject of many rumours. It’s not a stretch to believe that Nintendo is working on a new console, given that it’s been making them regularly since the 1980s, but whether this report actually revealed that a new Nintendo Switch console is in the works remains to be seen. . being seen. in discussion.

As noted by IGN reporter Rebekah Valentine in Blood (opens in a new tab), there is no way to know exactly how much content was redacted in this section of the report. It could be a word, for example. (insert new Nintendo console name here), or as long as a paragraph or more. So don’t start preparing for a new Nintendo Switch console just yet.

Speaking of, Is it worth buying a Nintendo Switch in 2023??

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