Gamers eagerly await the release of atomic heartsince we are only a few weeks away from its arrival, which is why we want to know everything about the game.

Mundfish he did it big, he jumped into the well of creativity and released a fascinating FPS where Russia developed a revolutionary technology called Polymer, this substance can produce incredible results, if you know how to use it.

A combination of two guns and near-magical powers draws immediate comparisons to other blockbuster franchises like Bioshock there Dishonored. Aside from its curious premise and promising gameplay, many would-be consumers are wondering if Atomic Heart will feature some sort of microtransactions, and now we know it won’t.

Will Atomic Heart have microtransactions?

Mundfish’s Atomic Heart won’t have any kind of microtransactions to speak of, and in the words of the developers themselves, there will be: “no extra bells and whistles, period.”

Will Atomic Heart get DLC?

If you’re sticking with it and Atomic Heart caught your attention, you’ll be pleased to hear that the developers will be expanding the game with DLC at a later date.

“Atomic Heart is a full-price AAA single-player adventure with no extra frills, period. And of course, we’re watching how the industry evolves and there are some interesting trends to explore in the future. We’ll be sharing DLC ​​plans more later, and we have no idea about NFT at the moment.”

Atomic Heart is expected to be a fairly long adventure with a vast open world to explore, meaning there’s likely plenty of room for the story to develop further in the future, but only one upcoming DLC ​​has been confirmed so far. ‘now.

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