This Sunday we experience the third MAD Lions LEC after a historic series against Team BDS. The lions lifted the title after a reverse scan spectacular in a BO5 that couldn’t have had more show.

Of the Pentakills and Chasy’s sublime afternoon left us pieces that will remain in our retinas for a long time. Here we leave you with some of the best games from the BDS – MAD Lions team.

There’s hardly anything more spectacular in LoL than a Penta, and in this final we had two with one to go. The first of the afternoon was from Crowniewho tagged him with Zeri in a first scandal card, after which the BDS team went 1-0 and took the series lead.

Crownie’s Pentakill

On the second map, the Swiss made it 2-0 after MAD Lions eliminated a map with more than 6K in their favor. Carzzy was kicked out twice almost consecutively, and the streak already seemed very settled.. But despite what was reflected on the scoreboard, the lions did not crumble, and the Czech sniper hit back with a Pentakill on Jinx on the third map to force it at 2-1.

Carzzy’s Pentakill

Chasy’s show

The South Korean made the show in the final and he took the well-deserved MVP of the series. Even on the first maps where MAD Lions lost, Chasy performed well.especially in the second match with Jayce, in which he made it clear how much difference in level there was against Adam.

Chasy, to the rescue with K’Sante

He gap up was huge, and it showed even more on the third map, in which the Chasy was on a huge level with K’Sante and led his team 2-1. His figure was also very important in the fourth and fifth cards, in which he was again far superior with Jayce and with Gwen,

Chasy aplast to Adam with Jayce

The lions will be the seed 1 from Europe in the MSI, and they come to the tournament having posted a strong League of Legends in the LEC Playoffs. In a few weeks, we will know the first rival that awaits MAD Lions in London.

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